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Do you want to find your personal style? Answer these questions below to yourself! Are you struggling that you have “nothing to wear” when you open your closet, or “I can’t find anything” when you’re shopping, then this blog is for you, you’re on the right track. Most likely, you just don’t know what your personal style is and how to find it.
What is style?
Individual style is a combination of different elements, which creates a single visual image. Style is always logical and consistent, but you are not born with it, it is a reflection of life experience and associations that you have accumulated over the years. The style of any woman should clearly reflect her inner world and mood, and your style should be unique, just like you. It’s one of the best ways to emphasize your individuality, express your mood, mark boundaries, and be able to correct your flaws and imperfections. See, how much you’re able to fix with style! When you know your personal style, it greatly facilitates the solution of shopping issues, and helps you better navigate through huge variety of items and brands presented each day.
How to correctly combine pieces and highlight accents? How to put together a wardrobe for a week? In this blog, I’m going to share some key points and, in addition, tips that you should follow to develop your personal sense of style!
“Fashion fades, only style remains the same” Coco Chanel.
So, how do you find your personal style? Keep reading!
1. Create a Pinterest “Mood Board”
What does this mean? Firstly, search on Pinterest for outfit ideas and pin the photos that catch your eye. Pin everything you like. Secondly, analyze what exactly you like about these looks. Maybe, its a specific wardrobe piece, accessory, color combination, trend or a garment detail. Pin whatever inspires you!

2. Create your “blacklist”
What is absolutely unacceptable for you? Things that are not yours at all. Items and styles that you will never wear not even if it’s the biggest trend of the year.

3. Who is your fashion icon?
Search for celebrities, bloggers, influencers that inspire you and whose style is the closest to you. Write down a list of all women, maybe even men that inspire you the most. Write out what exactly you like about their outfits. For instance, It could be anything starting from the type of shoes they wear to a specific trend. And this list should help you get an idea of what type of style you like. For example, I have always looked upon street stylers and my favorite is Olivia Palermo! She has a perfect balance of minimalism and color.
Here is a list of my favorite style icons for you, to get inspiration from:
4. Get to know your body!
Firstly, you should pay attention to your body type. We are all different. Each of us has different measurements of height, weight, waist, and etc. And it is ok to be different, because each person is unique. Secondly, It is very important to understand what type of cut and style of clothing will look good on you, and which styles are a “no, no” and are better not even to try on. The most common mistake is buying something just for the way it looks. As a result, this item will remain hanging in the wardrobe with a tag. If you know your shape type and your body imperfections this will help you work with your proportions, spend less time shopping, help you find your wardrobe pieces even without trying them on, correctly style and combine your outfits.
5. Find your styling trick!
What exactly is yours? Maybe, a certain detail, style, combination, color combination, or accessory. Interpret it from outfit to outfit, making this trick yours. In other words, implement it to all of your outfits to make your style recognizable. For instance, It could be a silky scarf that you tie into your ponytail or attach to your handbag.
6. Lifestyle
Analyze your lifestyle. Are you a mom “on duty”, preppy, or smart casual? Do you run errands and wear a lot of sporty sets like sweaters and joggers, or maybe you work at an office and wear professional casual clothes, or you’re a stay at home mom of 3 and you wear a lot of athleisure. List your main activities, so that you have an idea of what you have to shop for and what pieces you need. In short, this step will clearly formulate your goals and objectives that your wardrobe should solve. Personal style should fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.
7. Declutter your wardrobe
Do you keep any clothing in your closet for the time when you will “lose weight” and will be able to fit into those jeans again? Or, maybe, you’re still keeping some pieces, as a memory of certain time period in your life that you’re reminiscing with nostalgia. Do you have a section in your closet that consists of impulse buys? If so, then you need to either pack away those items into a box, give them away or sell. Because, believe me you will never wear these pieces, they will just lay in your closet for years and take up your space. Also, note to yourself, what are the items that you need to throw away, buy more of or replace.

8. Minimalism
Create a minimalistic wardrobe. Moreover, If you want to grow and develop your sense of style, start with simple basic wardrobe pieces. In other words, go for neutral colors, luxury texture and less of prints and trendy pieces. Don’t forget about the material quality, you should only invest into items made of top quality.

9. Accessories
Unfortunately, many women do not know how to choose and correctly combine accessories. In fact, many underestimate the role of accessories. However, only with the help of correct accessories you can complete the look. For instance, If you have a blazer, put on a wide minimalistic belt and voila, your outfit is a little bit more complete. Also, get a good sturdy handbag and some minimalistic dainty jewelry, and your look will be very stylish and complete.
10. Experiment
Try on more of different trends. Different styles and prints that you usually don’t wear. However, don’t buy every single trend that exists, because you will end up clothing that you will probably never wear. Search. And remember that your personal style can grow and develop throughout time.
Most importantly, style is about confidence and being unique. Style is not about fashion however, fashion is all about trends, and trends come and go.
Overall, I hope this blog answered your question on how to find your personal style. Key here is to experiment. And then you will notice changes for the better in no time. Finally, I just want to say that the search for your own personal style is an incredibly exciting journey to yourself.